电话:+86-755-8303 6979
厨房设计Kitchen Design

厨房设计 Kitchen Design

因不同类型的厨房在功能和设施上的需求,我们将以专业的角度来规划厨房空间内的食品库、粗加工 区、热灶区、备餐区及用具洗涤等区域。我们还将提供详细的设备平面佈置图及厨房设备清单。另外,就 各个功能区,我们还将提供详细的成本估算给业主及酒店方参考。

Base on the different type of kitchen, we will provide our professional service in working flow & zoning, such as commissary, storage area, cooking area, pickup point, dishwashing area...etc. also include the equipments list in the kitchen, in the other hand, we will prepare the budgetary cost to customer.

洗衣机房设计Laundry Design

洗衣机房设计 Laundry Design

我们将提供详细的洗衣房设备平面佈置图及洗衣房设备清单, 以便于更好的发挥洗衣房的功能。我们 还将提供详细的成本估算给业主及酒店方参考。

we will provide the service of Laundry layout and equipment list and prepare the budgetary cost to customer as well